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Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Creative Living Fit4Life - (S) Sexy (H) Healthy (E) Eating- How to Stay Sexy & Healthy Eating Delicious Food!

FOOD! The infamous "F" word
that makes you go crazy to get it & helpless when you cannot control it.  But what if you can eat Food, that not only makes you feel sexy but looks sexy too & promotes losing unwanted extra fat.... WOULD YOU LIKE TO 
  • Increase your energy?
  • Minimize sugar/starch cravings?
  • Feeling stronger & in control of your food portions?
  • SAY No more to boring bland tasteless food?
It’s not only possible, it’s easier than you think.! How? through a conscious method called S.H.E.
Sexy Healthy Eating!
   You’re reading this right now, wondering how food can help you look sexy & healthy when it has done the exact opposite for you.  Well, let’s begin to experience how to nourish your body properly & consciously. It’s time to stop putting off the saying, “This year I’m going to get into shape” and start implementing something that will actually get you results.

Sexy Healthy Eating is about helping you achieve a body you feel confident in by eating foods that don't spike up your glycemic levels. Many products have hidden sugars in them even the "healthy ones". That hidden sugar is in a form called HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP & MODIFIED FOOD STARCH.
In addition to being an ingredient in soft drinks, HFCS is in bread, granola bars, candy, liquid coffee creams, pancake syrup, fruit-flavored yogurt, sweetened cereals, some pasta sauces, packaged foods, and juices!

"5 (S's) S.H.E Rules"
  1. SUGAR BUSTER! STOP EATING FOODS WITH SUGAR (known & hidden)  -this goes for all foods that spike that glycemic level.  When your level is pumped up, you will store all the food into fat because your body is out of balance. So to get it back to balance avoid pasta, corn tortillas, bread, sauces, condiments (ketchup & BBQ sauces), breaded foods, juices, & some whole fruits and starchy vegetables such as corn, potatoes, cooked carrots, pineapples, watermelon, bananas & oranges just to name a few. You can find a complete list of HIGH-GLYCEMIC FOODS TO AVOID here
The enormous amount of HFCS in the American diet is UNREAL and it's put into products TO KEEP YOU ADDICTED to the product.  FOOD IS A BIG BUSINESS! If you continue to overconsume these products, studies have shown that these HIDDEN SUGARS in products induce high blood pressure, high triglycerides (a form of fat in the blood associated with heart disease), impaired glucose tolerance (precursor to diabetes), and insulin resistance & WEIGHT GAIN!   (OUCH) so how does that package of cookies, fruit-filled yogurt & juice look to you now!

The Glycemic Index is a measurement of how quickly a particular carbohydrate is formed into glucose and enters the body. The smaller the number, the less impact the food has on your blood sugar.
  • 55 or less = Low (good)
  • 56- 69 = Medium
  • 70 or higher = High (bad)
Look for the glycemic index on the labels of packaged foods. The Glycemic Index has shown certain carbs known to be "Complex" actually absorb quicker than some carbs known to be "Simple".The Glycemic Index (or GI) was originally brought about for those people who had Diabetes, but can be useful to many looking to get control of their body weight & image.

 You can find more info on the GI Index in the book GLYCEMIC INDEX FOR  DUMMIES 

But for now, YOUR NEW RANGE FOR all carbohydrate CONSUMPTION is limited to 54gr a day!   (This is the number you will see on the product labels) THAT'S IT NO ARGUMENTS!   READ YOUR FOOD LABELS!  You can take all the diet pills, drops, drinks & teas you want but if you don't consciously get a handle on the sugar going in your body, you are just wasting your money! Once you achieved your New S.H.E. Image, you can start to add more carbs back into your eating plan.

2.  SHOP THE "U"

When you get ready to do your grocery shopping, always start by shopping the "U".  You see, the grocery stores are set up in a way that mainly all fresh foods with a short expiration selling factor are showcased in the outer parts of the store, whereas foods that have a longer shelf life lasting months are tucked in the inner isles.  Shopping the "U" first guarantees that your basket is full of those healthier options that will add to your new sexiness!

3.   TIME TO DINE - Snack or Eat

Listen to the natural cues from your body, everyone is different!  Normally your body will signal to you for proper nourishment every 3 to 4 hours so be prepared.  Have on hand something easy to carry along in the car or purse if you are at the job or running errands!  REMEMBER NO SUGAR PRODUCTS & IF YOU DO SLIP UP, SUBTRACT THAT CARB AMOUNT FROM YOUR 54g a DAY. If you need to sweeten your tea, coffee, or even water try the different flavors of natural Stevia liquid drops! One drop goes a long way and your sugar level doesn't change!


Now that you know what not to eat & why, it's time to correct our PORTION SERVING. I'm going to make it REALLY SIMPLE. Your meat portion should fit in your hand & YOUR GOOD CARBS (STRINGBEANS, LENTILS, GREENS BROCCOLI, etc.,) should be fist size which is like a cup. Most people aren't aware that vegetables are carbs too. Most have min natural sugar in them that doesn't spike the glycemic level so don't go crazy with portions on the GOOD STUFF it still adds up!

Food preparation helps as well. Taking the time to plan your food for the week not only saves money you would've spent at a fast food restaurant but it maximizes your efforts for your S.H.E. plan.  My friend Keesha who started the S.H.E plan, does her food
prep on the weekends and utilize inexpensive PORTION CONTROL CONTAINERS

to help regulate the amount of food intake.  It also helps when you are hungry, instead of reaching for something that is probably unhealthy, now you can just grab your pre-made delicious meal!

    Eating sexy & healthy means you don't lose the flavor, appeal, or taste.  These are key elements when revamping your eating habits.  This will motivate you to stay on track.  Now we are a diverse people & our ethnicities sometimes have an impact on what we eat & how we eat. Finding creative ways to tweak your favorite dish can be fun & exciting!  

   Award-winning Executive Sous Chef for Northwest Indiana Methodist Hospital and Food Network's Master Chef & Chopped @Home Contestant Chef Pamela Staples Ward, is a graduate of Lake Cordon Bleu who is a trailblazer in her field.

Creating delicious dishes with amazing flavor & textures which can be found in her cookbook,
Three Generations Cooking With Sole. The book is a delightful collection of recipes spanning three generations. The definition of SOLE is to be one of a kind, to surpass, to stand out, and to be unique. Chef Pamela Ward is also known for her unique, creative touch to well-known meals. She has won numerous awards for her culinary presentations. She adds,
“…In this book are very simple flavorful meals geared to the beginner chef ages 10 and up. I want to introduce those who don’t know how to cook at any age and how to create A MEAL THAT’S NOT ONLY PLEASING TO THE EYE BUT THE PALATE.

Chef Pam gives you an easy-to-follow step-by-step format to recreate her signature dishes that you can add to your new  S.H.E. plan!  Or you can order 
Her cookbook Three Generations Cooking With Sole,
covers a diverse array of ethnic dishes that you are sure to enjoy!
So you are not losing any flavor or taste at all with this method, you are just learning to eat better!

Take time out every day & gaze at yourself in the mirror, appreciate where you are at, who you are & where you will be in a few days by following the S.H.E. plan.  Skim through fitness magazines & find an image that represents the way you want to be for motivation. Become that better version of you! Have fun with this! You will start to see changes in your cravings, mood & body by day 10. Take each day one day at a time to evaluate what food combinations you enjoy & what foods to stay clear from.   Get active means simply to MOVE.  You don't have to become a "Fitness Fanatic" or a "Gym Rat" to achieve a healthier body.  Engage in activities that you feel good doing!  Dancing, walking, yoga, bike riding are not only fun but perfect for beginners of lifestyle change.  So what are you waiting for?  LET'S GET SEXY!
Love yourself enough to be a better stronger & vibrant YOU by joining the 



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